Monday, June 22, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015


We're taking a weekend trip to Quebec City and Truro, NS in July!

Monday, June 1, 2015

UPDATE 06/01/15

Been a while! Currently writing some shit for a new LP and getting together some shows for the summer, including the grand opening of Forged in Vinyl Record Store in Halifax on June 6th and Obscene Extreme America in Montreal on August 23rd. Lots more to be let out of the bag soon. You can also now find us on CD, PRC Music out of Quebec has released our 4 EPs on one convenient compact disc, for those of you who have progressed past cassette and vinyl. The release comes with artwork from the notorious Mark "Skinny" Orton and includes the cover tunes not included on the vinyls. You can order this and other solid shit from the PRC MUSIC website. More updates to come regarding summer shows!